Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

Solo Culinary

Pecel nDeso, Jl. Dr. Supomo 55 Pasar m'Beling
Pecel nDeso is served with red rice, it contains of vegetables like heart shaped edible spadix of a bananablossom, nikir, petai china leaves, long beans, Turi's flower and white/black sesame seed souce.It is accompanied by fried ell and fish, fried eeg, special source from Solo, Bongko (red beans and coconut), gembrot (coconut and simbukan leaves). Cow's brain and intentines.
Sate Buntel, Jl. Sutan Syahrir no. 39 Widuran 
Sate buntel is a special sate from Solo. It is made of goat chopped meat which has been spiced by onion and pepper before wrapped within goat fat. It is enjoyed togather with soya souce, sliced red pepper, red onion, cabbage and tomatoes.
Timlo Solo,Pasar Gede - Open 7amJl.Urip sumoharjo – Open 9am 
Timlo Solo is special dish contains of chicken meat chopped into pieces, cooked egg and chicken's liver in clear soup. Served to accompany fried onion topping rice. Unlike the typical Timlo in other local town, Timlo Solo is served without mushroom and thin noodles.
Tengkleng,  Gapura Pasar klewer  
The typical gout curry dish served without coconut milk. It contains of goat's bone with still a little of goad's meat on the bones. Served to accompany this menu are goat's bowels made into sate and other goat's parts of body like eyes, chick bones,  ears, legs, etc. To enjoy Tengkleng, we can chew bit by bit the meat which is still on the bones and suck the marrow slowly.

Sate Kere, Warung Yu Rebi Stadion Sriwedari 
This special Sate is made of Tempe Gembus (tempe which is made of soya deposit in making tofu). Together with Sate kere, there are also sate made of cow's bowels. Before roasted, sate kere and other sate are dipped in spice dough first. When they are done, spicy soya souce is added before sate kere is served.
Warung Nasi liwet Wongso Lemu, Keprabon -  open  (18.00 WIB)
he most famous Solo traditional food. Made of rice which has been cooked with chicken broth. The rice is piquant and delicious. It is completed by spicy squash soup, boiled egg, chicken and kumut (made of thickened coconut milk). The rice is, then served on banana leaves.
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